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Board meetings are 6:00pm on the first Tuesday of each month.  Join us in person in the Wickiup Room or by Zoom. 

View agendas and meeting minutes.


Mon-Thurs 10 am - 2 pm
Closed for the holidays Dec 24 - Jan 3
Will reopen Jan 6


To our La Pine Community:


The skate park is now open, except for the half pipe. Repair coming soon. 


Thank you for your patience and understanding,

La Pine Park & Recreation District 

Adult Education

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Develop a passion for learning something new and really start living life. Meet new people and have some fun! Explore classes and register.

Adult Recreation

A body in motion stays in motion. Get some exercise and meet new friends.

Youth Sports

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We believe an active kid is a healthy kid. Get your kids involved in one of our seasonal sports programs, for all ages.

After-School Programs

We offer outside-of-school programs in La Pine and Sunriver, as well as a fun Summer Adventure Day program for youth in 1st-5th grades.


Get out there and explore our parks, get exercise and create memories with family and friends.


Serve your community by donating funds. Proceeds keep our programs affordable and free for youth programs and scholarships. Volunteer your time and experience the gift of giving.


16405 1st Street

La Pine, OR 97739





(541) 536-2223



Monday - Thursday

10 am - 2 pm

Get in touch

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